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St. Rose of Lima Catholic School was founded on April 20, 1981 by Rev. Father Florentino F. Cinense. It is located in Sta. Rosa, Nueva Ecija. It operates only a secondary school.

Government recognition was received on March 31, 1987. Through its administration and teaching staff, St. Rose of Lima Catholic School continues the task of forming students dedicated to the ideals laid down by the founder. To this end, the efforts of administration and Faculty are geared towards continuous upgrading of methods of instruction, continuing review of policies and organizational structures, personnel development, and challenging the potential of the students in order to respond creatively to their own growth and development.

St. Rose of Lima Catholic School looks especially to Religious Education as core of the curriculum, and as right base for its social orientation. To this end, the academic development of the student is constantly permeated, where possible, with the values developed in Religious education which hopefully shall find expression in a proper esteem and respect for self and for others, and a responsible concern for the less fortunate.

St. Rose of Lima Catholic School hopes to play its role in a developing society especially in the potential contribution that education can give to national development.


St. Rose of Lima Catholic School aims to mold its students to become:

1. True Christian youth who strive to bring out the totality of their personalities. They put into one important synthesis with religious values whatever has been gained from their humane, domestic, and technical experience, and bring all these into one harmony as they relate with their own milieu for God’s glory.

2. Persons with critical mind. They are capable of comprehending, analyzing and judging rational actions, and finding satisfactory answers to the great questions about human existence.

3. Persons who will be proud of their cultural and historical heritage. They are adolescents who understands fully their civic and moral responsibilities as sons/daughters of the Church and citizens of a democratic Country; diligent and competent enough to perform with obedience and respect their obligations toward their fellowmen and God.

4. Adolescents who are properly equipped to face the realities of life: They are capable of controlling and surviving its problems and challenges, utilizing fully their physical and mental faculties. Thus, they live their lives as growing adolescents, aware of the changing world and clearly understand that this is a natural process of being and becoming.

5. Responsible individuals who are committed to the pursuit of what is good, right and true. They consistently try to bring out the best in themselves to be able to contribute to the cultural, social, moral and spiritual growth of mankind to serve meaningfully the very purpose of life for the ultimate glory of God.

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